This first assignment was all about shutter speed and depth of field. Slow shutter speed will blur the picture while fast shutter speed will freeze the movement. Small depth of field will focus on something close and blur everything around it. Large depth of field is just showing different depths. This first picture was just really cool. I took it at night but because of the shutter speed it let a lot of light in and it made the picture look like it was taken during the day.
This would be an example of slow shutter speed.This is an example of small depth of field. Of course I had to use football in one of my shots. :)
Another small depth of field. When on a hike there was this dead tree and someone had put one Christmas ornament on it.I always wanted to see what it would look like if I was really tall.
This part of the assignment I really struggled with because I did not know exactly what my professor wanted but this is the closest I got.